Dear Shuklaji without disclosing my name (senior manager PNB) will you reply me whether ---------
I can raise objections against the wrong rulings of IO during the course of inquiry & to whom I should make appeal ? & what will happen if my appeal is unanswered by the Appellate authority
Dear friend ,(PNB officer),good morning
जांच कार्यवाही के चलते ,जांच अधिकारी के नियम विरुद्ध और पक्षपात रवैये के विरुद्ध आरोपी अधिकारी को हर बार आपत्ति का अधिकार है ,आरोपी अधिकारी अपनी आपत्ति लिखित में दर्ज कराये और जांच अधिकारी की गलत व्यवस्था के विरुद्ध अनुशासनिक अधिकारी को जांच कार्यवाही की रिपोर्ट भेजकर अपील करे ,आरोपी अधिकारी बिलकुल चिंता न करे की उसके अपील का अनुशासनिक अधिकारी क्या करता है ,लेकिन यह अपील न्याय के मंदिर में पक्षपात/ विधिविरुद्ध कार्यवाही को सिद्ध करने में काम आयेगी
It is your legal right to make objection against the wrong doings of IO , BUT remember the actions of IO must be enumerated in the inquiry proceedings & your objections too ,simply verbal actions of IO will not be a cause of actions , & if you feel that the rulings or the attitudes of the IO is partial or against the law then file an appeal before Appellate authority with the copy of alleged proceedings , & never take pressure that the Appellate authority is not responding your appeal , it is very important that you had made objection to which Appellate authority did not respond ,alone these objections will be very beneficial if you move court of law where you can successfully plead that even DA was prejudiced thus worked against the principle of natural justice